Our Services

Conditions we treat

  • Urinary incontinence, urgency and/or overactive bladder (OAB)

    Difficulty making it to the toilet on time, urgency, leaking with cough and sneeze, exercise, lifting or position change

  • Pelvic organ prolapse

    A lowering or descent of one or more of the pelvic organs into the vagina. This may include prolapse of the bladder, bowel, uterus or vaginal vault (after hysterectomy). Symptoms vary with the type of prolapse but may include heaviness, dragging or vaginal lump or difficulty emptying the bladder or bowel.

  • Constipation, faecal or flatus (wind) incontinence, obstructed defaecation, or other bowel symptoms

    Difficulty emptying the bowel, hard stools, slow bowel transit, difficulty making it to the toilet on time or loss of stool or wind with cough, sneeze, exercise, lifting

  • Pelvic pain, vaginismus, tight (overactive) pelvic floor muscles, endometriosis, dyspareunia (painful sex)

    Pain within the pelvis, vulva, superficial (outer) or deep pelvic floor muscles at rest, with daily activities, exercise or intimacy

  • Antenatal and early postnatal pain conditions, diastasis rectus (abdominal separation or DRAM) and childbirth preparation

    Pregnancy related lower back, pelvic girdle pain (including sacroiliac joint (SIJ) pain, coccyx pain, pubic bone pain (SPD) wrist pain - carpal tunnel syndrome/DeQuervains Tenosynovitis) scar pain and DRAM (diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscle)

    Childbirth preparation and education including positioning for labour, pelvic floor preparation and essential exercise, pain relief strategies and assessment/treatment of any prexisting conditions to enhance postnatal recovery.

  • Postnatal recovery following vaginal birth (including 3/4th degree tear rehabilitation) or caesarean birth

    A postnatal check at 6-8 weeks can reassure you of your exercise technique, assess your pelvic floor and abdominal recovery, address any bladder, bowel, pain or scar issues and provide you with an individual program to reach your goals

  • Breast conditions related to breastfeeding (Mastitis, blocked ducts)

    Early physiotherapy treatment of blocked ducts and mastitis can help reduce symptoms and increase blood flow to enhance healing. A variety of techniques are used including ultrasound, taping and lymphatic drainage as required.

  • Pre/post operative gynaecology, prostate, colorectal surgery

    Pre-operative support to strengthen and learn how to correctly perform your essential muscle exercises before surgery and post operative treatment to help restore optimal pelvic floor function and return to your chosen activities

Men’s Health

  • Incontinence (bladder and bowel)

  • Constipation/difficulty with bowel emptying

  • Pelvic floor muscle weakness

  • Pre/post operative prostate surgery education and pelvic floor rehabilitation

Based on your condition and specific assessment findings, your treatment may include:

  • Manual therapy

  • Biofeedback

  • Electrotherapy

  • Dilator therapy

  • Real time or therapeutic ultrasound

  • Therapeutic exercise/stretches

  • Lymphatic drainage/taping

  • Relaxation exercises/breathing techniques

  • Thorough education about your condition

  • Bladder/bowel retraining

  • Biomechanical counselling (body position/lifting education)

  • Postural re-education

  • Self management strategies and home program

  • Prescription of a support device (e.g. brace, pessary (self-managed only)) if necessary

Appointment Types

  • Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

    Comprehensive assessment and treatment of incontinence (urinary, faecal, flatus (wind)), urinary urgency, overactive bladder, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic pain, tight (overactive) pelvic floor muscles, vaginismus, dyspareunia (painful sex), pre-post operative gynaecology/prostate surgery, constipation, defaecation dysfunction (including obstructed defaecation, dyssynergia), general pelvic floor weakness/reduced tone and related pelvic health conditions.

  • Antenatal physiotherapy or childbirth preparation

    Comprehensive assessment and treatment of pain in pregnancy (e.g. lower back pain, pelvic girdle pain including symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD), sacroiliac joint pain (SIJ), coccyx pain or wrist pain (carpal tunnel or DeQuervain's tenosynovitis)


    Childbirth preparation:

    A comprehensive antenatal assessment (from 14-16 weeks onwards) of any current or pre-existing concerns and discuss any risk factors for pelvic floor or musculoskeletal dysfunction within the pregnancy or following birth.

    Education is also provided around pregnancy related posture/body changes and management, exercise guidelines in pregnancy, optimal bladder and bowel habits and gentle pregnancy stretches/exercise.

    A follow up appointment at 33-34 weeks is highly recommended to discuss conservative pain relief options in labour (e.g. TENS) and partner massage, positioning in the first and second stages of labour, preparing the perineum for birth, review your pelvic floor relaxation techniques.

  • Lactation (breast) physiotherapy

    Assessment and treatment of breast conditions relating to breastfeeding such as mastitis or blocked ducts.

  • Postnatal physiotherapy*

    Comprehensive postnatal assessment of abdominals (e.g. diastasis rectus assessment (DRAM), core stability) pelvic floor muscles/recovery (including screening for risk factors) scars (e.g. perineal or caesarean) and screening for any bladder, bowel, pain or sexual issues. Assessment findings will be explained, and treatment of any postnatal issues started. Further treatment recommendations will be made to help you reach your personal postnatal goals and guide safe return to exercise.

    *If you are experiencing significant symptoms or are over 12 weeks postnatal, please book the longer ‘Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy’ appointment